
Monday, August 2, 2010

Dragon Age: Origins - Leliana's Song

This add-on doesn't reach for the stars, but it features a couple of great characters and a smattering of quality moments.

The Good

* Fantastic voice acting
* Great new music
* Effective storytelling casts Leliana in a darker light.

The Bad

* Party is maxed out at three characters
* None of the battles are very interesting, including the final fight.

Dragon Age: Origins' Leliana may have seemed sweet enough, but her initially faithful and spiritual demeanor masked an unsavory past. In Leliana's Song, the most recent downloadable content released for last year's superb role-playing game, you explore the bard's dark side and glimpse the circumstances that led her to pledge to the Chantry in Lothering. Effective storytelling makes this add-on worth a look for dedicated Dragon Age fans, particularly those that experienced Leliana's personal quest in the original game. Unfortunately, you won't find many surprises lurking within this fun but unremarkable adventure. The combat remains enjoyable, but because your party is capped at three rather than the usual four members, battles aren't as exciting as they might have been with a larger party. Though some later encounters in an atmospheric alcove grant a little variety, you will fend off the usual foes in a number of well-worn environments. This isn't Dragon Age at its best, but Leliana's Song is an appealing slice of character-driven content.

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